

LOGO NEW Caldereria Teruel grande - Industry

At Calderería Teruel we provide a comprehensive service to key sectors for the common welfare, such as Chemical, Pharmaceutical, Cosmetic, Food and Agrochemical, designing and manufacturing process equipment according to the main mechanical design and performance codes, legalized according to current regulations .

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The pharmaceutical industry develops and manufactures medicinal chemicals products for the treatment and prevention of diseases. It is a regulated sector and subject to very strict regulations.



The chemical industry transforms, through various chemical processes, raw materials, organic and inorganic, into basic, intermediate and consumer chemical products, in order to solve the needs of the population and at the same time improve their quality of life.

Icones Teruel industria quimica - Industry
Icones Teruel industria alimentaria - Industry



The food industry is in charge of all the processes related to the food chain and its purpose is to satisfy the food needs of the population. In this industry we can find specializations, such as the Flavors and Additives industry.



The cosmetic industry is closely linked to research, innovation to develop and produce all those products used in cosmetic applications.

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Icones Teruel industria agroquimica - Industry



The agrochemical industry develops and produces chemical products for application in agricultural activities.

Contacte con nosotros

Nuestro equipo técnico se encuentra a su disposición y le ayudará en el diseño y fabricación con una solución específica adaptada a sus necesidades.

Interesado en fabricación / reparación de:
LOGO NEW Caldereria Teruel grande - Industry

Nos especializamos en la fabricación de equipos y maquinaria para la industria.

C/ Industria – Nave, 6
Polígono Industrial Can Baliarda
08105 – Sant Fost de Campsentelles – BARCELONA
Tel. 93 389 02 04

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Amb el suport d’ACCIÓ

Subvencionat pel Servei Públic d’Ocupació de Catalunya
i amb el cofinançament del Fons Social Europeu

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