
In Calderería Teruel we offer you the best solution according to your needs, offering a global quality service.

Design and Engineering
Our technical department will study your needs to offer you the best solution.
The equipment is manufactured in our facilities under the direct supervision of the technical department.

Start up
We offer the possibility of starting the equipment up in the plant, making the necessary adjustments for the optimal operation of the equipment.
The technical department guarantees that the manufacture of our equipment is carried out under the strictest international quality standards.

After sales
During the useful life of our equipment, we guarantee the service of spare parts and the realization of extensions that you need.
Direct contact with our technical team, who will help you to resolve doubts or incidents regarding our equipment.

Contacte con nosotros
Nuestro equipo técnico se encuentra a su disposición y le ayudará en el diseño y fabricación con una solución específica adaptada a sus necesidades.

Nos especializamos en la fabricación de equipos y maquinaria para la industria.
C/ Industria – Nave, 6
Polígono Industrial Can Baliarda
08105 – Sant Fost de Campsentelles – BARCELONA
Tel. 93 389 02 04
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